Hudson Valley and University at Albany Announce Dual Enrollment Partnership


HVCC President Roger Ramsammy, SUNY Chancellor John King,奥尔巴尼大学校长哈维德·罗德里格斯与大丹犬达米安和维京吉祥物维克多合影

State University of New York Chancellor John B. 王,小. 今天,我加入了奥尔巴尼大学和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的校长,宣布了一项双录取合作伙伴关系,以帮助学生在纽约州立大学的两个校区获得副学士学位和学士学位.

SUNY Transformation Fund -由州长凯西·霍赫尔和纽约州立法机构在具有历史意义的2023-24年州预算中建立-使纽约州立大学校园加强咨询和扩大项目成为可能,使学生能够在获得学位时跨校园移动.

而全国调查显示,80%的社区大学一年级学生计划攻读学士学位, only 16% earn one. Increasing seamless-transfer pathways, including dual-admission opportunities for students, is a goal Chancellor King presented during his State of the University address. As Governor Hochul announced 去年秋天, 至少有19个纽约州立大学校区正在投资纽约州立大学转型基金来应对这一挑战.

HVCC是奥尔巴尼大学最大的转学源,每年约有200名学生转学完成学士学位. To help more HVCC students pursue a bachelor’s degree, the partnership ensures:

  • 未来的学生将能够表明他们对参加该计划的兴趣,作为他们申请HVCC的一部分. 完成副学士学位后,学生将在奥尔巴尼大学获得三年级的资格. 的 UAlbany application fee will be waived.
  • 学生将可以从位于哈德逊山谷校园中心的新办公中心的奥尔巴尼大学转学顾问那里获得专门的咨询.
  • 奥尔巴尼大学将与HVCC学生保持联系,因为他们在HVCC攻读副学士学位. 的y will receive a UAlbany identification card, have access to the UAlbany library, meet with faculty, attend special events, and participate in student activities at the university.
  • 那些从哈德逊山谷转学到奥尔巴尼校区的学生将获得优先的校园住房选择. 的y will receive preference on transfer enrollment scholarships at UAlbany as well.
  • 参与的学生可以选择参加奥尔巴尼大学的第一年体验课程,并从奥尔巴尼大学的同伴导师那里受益, academic advisors, and financial aid counselors.

“纽约州立大学致力于确保我们的社区学院的学生有一个无缝的转学途径,因为他们希望继续在四年制大学接受教育,” said SUNY Chancellor King. “感谢凯西·霍赫尔州长和纽约州立法机构通过7500万美元的纽约州立大学转型基金提供的资金, HVCC可以扩大与UAlbany已经牢固的伙伴关系,帮助更多的学生获得大学学位. 每个人在纽约州立大学都有一席之地,这是我们的校园如何扩大接受高等教育机会的另一个例子.”

University at Albany President Havidán Rodríguez said, “Through this partnership, 奥尔巴尼大学和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜将为学生提供无缝的转学体验. 双录取学生将沉浸在UAlbany社区,而他们就读HVCC, receiving academic advising and support and participating in student life. When they complete their associate degree at HVCC, 他们将会顺利转到奥尔巴尼大学并顺利完成学士学位. 我感谢HVCC的同事们的合作,感谢纽约州立大学转型基金的支持,使这个双录取项目成为可能.”

Hudson Valley Community College President Dr. Roger Ramsammy said, “我们很高兴与奥尔巴尼大学建立这种独特的合作伙伴关系,以进一步支持寻求继续接受教育的学生, both here in the Capital Region and within the SUNY system. This enhanced agreement guarantees access, 指导, and support to help make the transfer process both seamless and successful for students. More of our graduates choose to transfer to the University at Albany than anywhere else, 我们感到自豪的是,这种伙伴关系为他们的未来提供了一个清晰的愿景,并使他们能够在努力实现学术目标的过程中最大限度地利用他们的时间和资源.”

New York State Senator Neil Breslin said, “HVCC和奥尔巴尼大学之间的双招生协议通过为首都地区及其他地区的学生创造一条获得四年制学位的新途径,扩大了他们接受教育的机会. I applaud the SUNY administration, as well as the leadership of these two critical institutions, 感谢你们努力让我们地区所有年轻人接受高等教育的希望成为现实."

New York State Senator Jake Ashby said, "This partnership is a win for both institutions, 为首都地区的未来,为地区学生和他们的家人寻求世界一流的教育,以令人难以置信的价值. 双招生选择将使大学学位改变生活的影响更容易负担得起,我们的劳动力对创新的就业创造者更具吸引力. I want to applaud Chancellor King, President Rodríguez and President Ramsammy for their vision and leadership, and I look forward to supporting this key strategic initiative."

New York State Assembly Higher Education Committee Chair Patricia Fahy said, “像这样的创新合作伙伴关系正是我们扭转纽约高等教育机构入学率下降的令人不安的趋势的方式. 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼 & HVCC's new agreement will enable hundreds, if not thousands of students to achieve their dream of attaining higher education, without having to pursue a traditional four-year college path. As a first-generation community college graduate, I know first-hand the value of a community college education and the doors it can open. 我期待着看到这一倡议的成功,看到这个机会提供给整个首都地区和纽约州的学生,我感到无比兴奋."

Assembly Member John T. McDonald III, RPh said, “奥尔巴尼大学和HVCC之间的这种新的双招生合作伙伴关系将为那些想要通过HVCC获得更多机会的学生创造机会,为他们提供四年制学位. 这一创新项目将在学校和学生之间架起一座桥梁,学生将从项目提供的资源中受益. 我赞扬正在实施这一计划的所有合作伙伴,并期待它取得成功."


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